Correspond physiologically to Y Cells.
Correspond physiologically to X Cells.
Correspond physiologically to W Cells.
Large cell bodies, large dendritic arborization. Correspond physiologically to Magno Ganglion Cells.Midget Ganglion Cell
Small cell bodies and small dendritic arborizations. Correspond physiologically to Parvo Ganglion CellsBistrated Ganglion Cell
Carry signal of the short wavelength cones. Dendritic trees stratified into two tiers near the inner and outer borders of the inner plexiform layer. Send output to parvocellular layer of LGN.
Cells signals combine linearly, sensitive to local contrast of image, respond poorly to uniform illumination of the receptive field, spot moving in any direction gives rise to same response, a dim spot in the receptive field will give rise to the same response as a smaller brighter one. Primarily responsible for the cats contrast sensitivity at high spacial frequencies. Separated into two classes, on-center and off-center cells. Correspond mophologically toY Cellcells.
Concentrically organized receptive fields in both on- and off-center from. Receptive field 3x as large as X Cells. Show a pronounced non-linearity in the summation of signals of from photoreceptors. Rectified on/off response so cell discharge a burst of impulses at both the presentation and removal of a contrast pattern. Mediate grating detection at low spacial frequencies. Correspond morphologically toW Cellscells.
Correspond morphologically tocells.
Receptive field 2-3 larger than P Cells. Show some non-linearities like Y-cell in cat, but bulk are like X-cells. More sensitive to achromatic contrast than P-cells. Transient response to sustained illumination. Appear to work on gross features and movement. Send output to magnocellular layer of LGN. Associated morphologically with Parasol Ganglion Cells.P Cell, Parvo Cell, or P
Similar to x-cells in cat but with color opponent organization. Make contact with only a single bipolar cell. Wave-length selective. Two main types, red-green chromatic opponency and yellow-blue chromatic opponency. Mediate color and fine-detail. Send output to parvocellular layer of LGN. Associated morphological with Midget Ganglion Cells.
Things which are close together are grouped together
Things which look similar are grouped together
Things which appear to move together are grouped together
Perceptual organization will tend to preserve smooth continuity rather than yielding abrupt changes
Of several geometrically possible perceptual organizations the one producing a closed rather than an open figure is preferred
Other things being equal, the smaller of two areas will be seen as figure against a larger background
Surrounded areas tend to be seen as figures as opposed to ground
There is a preference for horizontal or vertically oriented regions to be seen as figure
Symmetrical area tend to be perceived as figures against asymmetrical backgrounds
Of Several geometrically possible organizations the one that will actually occur which posses the best, simplest and most stable shape
Underlying every sensory experience is a brain event which is structurally similar to that experience