(Livingstone & Hubel 1988)
Pillar like cortical sections, round or oval in sections cut parallel to the surface. Stain darkly when using cytochrome oxidase (Wong-Riley). Receive most input from parvocellular layers in the LGN via V1 layer 4C. Color selective cells, with no orientation preferences. Projects to thin stripes of V2.
Areas in V1 between blobs. Receive input from parvocellular layers in the LGN via V1 layer 4CCells respond best to lines of a particular orientation, but are insensitive to direction of movement. Most lack color selectivity, but may response to color-contrast borders. Some cells are end-stopped responding to short but not long lies or edge stimuli. Projects to pale stripes of V2.
Receives input from magnocellular layers in the LGN via V1 layer 4C. Cells show orientation selectivity. Most are also selective for direction of movement. Projects to thick stripes of V2.
Receives input from blobs in V1. Cells show no orientation selectivity, many are doubly opponent color-cells. Other are broadband. Theorized pathway (LGN Parvo + Magno -> V1 layer 4C-> Blobs -> Thin Stripes).
Receives input from interblobs in V1. Cells show orientation selectivity, but are not selective for direction or motion. About half the cells are end-stopped. Cells are no color coded. Theorized pathway (LGN Parvo -> V1 layer 4C-> Interblobs -> Thick Stripes).
Receive input from layer 4B in V1. Cells show orientation selectivity, and stereoscopic selectivity. Few cells are end-stopped and none show color selectivity. Cells show retinal disparity selectivity, responding poorly to stimulation or either eye alone, but vigorously when both eyes are stimulated together. Theorized pathway (LGN Magno -> V1 layer 4B -> Pale Stripes).